
H.E.A.R.T Program
The H.E.A.R.T program uses the client’s experience with horses to drive change. Horses are extremely sensitive to their environment, which helps them to evade predators and also allows them to bond and communicate instinctively with people. Their sensitivity allows them to notice, analyze, and react to our body language and other nonverbal cues. We can use these reactions as a mirror, gaining a better understanding of our nonverbal communication and behavior patterns.
Healing The Heart Of Trauma
The Mending Hearts Store

Your gift will go towards our greatest need at the moment whether it be la de da

A gift of $60 can be used to purchase a grooming bucket filled with supplies to keep our horses clean and well maintained.

We practice natural horsemanship at Inspiration Ranch and provide our horses with high quality hay.
Donate a bale of hay for only $10!

Can't pick just one?
Gift Inspiration Ranch a horse bundle that includes hay, vitamins & minerals, and grooming supplies.

Your gift of $25 will go towards the cost of vitamins and minerals to make sure our horses stay happy and healthy!

Clients participate in 10-week sessions at Inspiration Ranch.
Gift the cost of one Equine Assisted Therapy session for $125.

Help us customize sessions with program supplies for $200. Your gift will be used to purchase learning materials, equipment for the arena, or activity supplies for clients.

At Inspiration Ranch, we put a high value on continuous education. Help our team become the best in their field by donating towards specialized trainings.

Do yo a have the means to cover an entire 10-week session?
Change a life by covering the cost of an entire session for one of our clients.